Year fate of the United States - year 2023
Every winter solstice when the chi changes, Grand Master Chan will ask the 6-kinship I-Ching on the year fate of the major countries. This is one of his research studies over the past decades. I would like to share with you some of our work this year for the US as below.
The bottom line 丑 moves, resulting in a 6-crashing kwa 1-fate 9. The moving line 丑 is on the bottom line with "White Tiger". There are many disasters on the ground, resulting in so much trouble in the US.
At the point of writing this article in early January 2023, we would like to share some evidence of our predictions with you.
(1) The bomb cyclone
(a) The 巽 moves and the ground turns into 乾 trigram. When the wind comes, the changing kwa becomes all metal.
The 乾 hexagram is white in the sky and on the ground. The bomb cyclone storm has hit over half of the country right
before Christmas 2022. Many places including New York city were buried in a sea of snow.
(b) Buffalo (and 丑 being the ox) was the most severely damaged city.
(c) Everything is falling apart at the end as suggested by the 6-crashing kwa. The storm caused many disasters, including power being knocked out, car accidents, many deaths, public transportation and airlines in chaos, etc.
(d) Flooding and possible diseases caused by the natural disaster will also emerge.
(2) Other sickness
(a) The country (世) is secretly (at 墓) doing something and it could be chemical- related poison/sickness (丑 has hidden metal).
(b) There will be airborne infectious disease as the trigram represents wind.
(c) As reported at the year end of 2022, a new strain of Omicron, named XBB.1.5, has been spreading rapidly around the country especially in the Northeast region.
(d) The sickness 丑 moves and clashes to the citizens 亥. The citizens are messing about ("Tortoise") with sickness病.
(3) Other key observations
(a) The US government is very weak. It is just talking without any constructive action. 官 on 午 is the pure Red Bird and it clashes with the month leader.
(b) The citizens are draining the government. The government (on the 5th line), however, just wants money.
(c) There is no money as wood (寅 and 卯) is 才 and is empty.
Chue Style is one of the very few Feng Shui schools on the globe using winter solstice as the chi change of a new year. Our Grand Master Chan has done so much research in various aspects, including BaZi, date selection, year and personal fate predictions, I-Ching prediction, Feng Shui, etc, to reaffirm this approach.
Using spring begins (立春) as the new chi cut-off date, the vast majority of non-Chue feng shui practitioners will not be able to analyse anything correctly. The "fundamental" is already wrong! This is why so many people believe feng shui and the related predictions are superstitious!
The bottom line 丑 moves, resulting in a 6-crashing kwa 1-fate 9. The moving line 丑 is on the bottom line with "White Tiger". There are many disasters on the ground, resulting in so much trouble in the US.
At the point of writing this article in early January 2023, we would like to share some evidence of our predictions with you.
(1) The bomb cyclone
(a) The 巽 moves and the ground turns into 乾 trigram. When the wind comes, the changing kwa becomes all metal.
The 乾 hexagram is white in the sky and on the ground. The bomb cyclone storm has hit over half of the country right
before Christmas 2022. Many places including New York city were buried in a sea of snow.
(b) Buffalo (and 丑 being the ox) was the most severely damaged city.
(c) Everything is falling apart at the end as suggested by the 6-crashing kwa. The storm caused many disasters, including power being knocked out, car accidents, many deaths, public transportation and airlines in chaos, etc.
(d) Flooding and possible diseases caused by the natural disaster will also emerge.
(2) Other sickness
(a) The country (世) is secretly (at 墓) doing something and it could be chemical- related poison/sickness (丑 has hidden metal).
(b) There will be airborne infectious disease as the trigram represents wind.
(c) As reported at the year end of 2022, a new strain of Omicron, named XBB.1.5, has been spreading rapidly around the country especially in the Northeast region.
(d) The sickness 丑 moves and clashes to the citizens 亥. The citizens are messing about ("Tortoise") with sickness病.
(3) Other key observations
(a) The US government is very weak. It is just talking without any constructive action. 官 on 午 is the pure Red Bird and it clashes with the month leader.
(b) The citizens are draining the government. The government (on the 5th line), however, just wants money.
(c) There is no money as wood (寅 and 卯) is 才 and is empty.
Chue Style is one of the very few Feng Shui schools on the globe using winter solstice as the chi change of a new year. Our Grand Master Chan has done so much research in various aspects, including BaZi, date selection, year and personal fate predictions, I-Ching prediction, Feng Shui, etc, to reaffirm this approach.
Using spring begins (立春) as the new chi cut-off date, the vast majority of non-Chue feng shui practitioners will not be able to analyse anything correctly. The "fundamental" is already wrong! This is why so many people believe feng shui and the related predictions are superstitious!